
Thursday, May 10, 2012

I don't have time to support a mobile app too!

I am sure that all of us have said that at one time or another. The latest new technology comes out before you have even figured out the last technology and there certainly isn't enough budget to hire more people to take care of your new mobile app channel.  So what can you do?

There are two paths for mobile app development strategy.  Native app development and web enabled. A native app is developed in iOS and is installed and run locally, independent from other applications.  A web enabled application is web broswer based, and normally repackages web pages in a browser view.  The advantage of this is regular updates to the home web page will be reflected automatically in your mobile app as changes are made. The number of people using a website as their primary method of interacting with your organization decreases 60% or more once you have an app. Integrating location services and camera technology only accelerates the migration to a mobile app. Posting pictures on Facebook exploded with a mobile app. Bar code scanners, maps, and photo apps are all examples of this trend.

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